par IFESO | Mar 15, 2022 | Courses, Exercices, Sahel
From March 8 to 11, executives from the G5 Sahel Defense College, reinforced by a team from IFESO, assisted the Joint Force command post in drafting an operation order. Updates, coordination meetings, committee work punctuated this week. PCIAT officers conducted an...
par IFESO | Nov 6, 2021 | Courses, G5Sahel
This is the second time IFESO contributes to FCG5S pre-deployment training. The first time was in 2019. The training provided by IFESO consisted in e-learning session on Operation planning and execution, a Joint Operational Planning Group working on vignettes and a...
par IFESO | Mar 3, 2021 | Courses, Exercices, Prestations
The goal of this course is to prepare assigned personnel to apply processes and method in order to provide analysis, assessment, and develop relevant products for submission to the approval and decision at PSC/EUMC level.
par IFESO | Jan 1, 2021 | Courses
This module includes 2 distance courses (e-learning) allowing trainees to acquire the concepts and definitions for the command of joint operations and two practical courses in face-to-face and/or remote : planning and conduct of a joint operation in a global approach...
par IFESO | Avr 2, 2020 | Courses, Event, Prestations
C3OIA courses using virtual classrooms : 28 trainees follow this high-level course! In order to offer continuity in teaching services, IFESO now offers courses in virtual classrooms. The course remains very close to the face-to-face course, interactions with the...