par IFESO | Oct 3, 2022 | Exercices, Prestations
IFESO and Masa Group carried out an internship in the planning and conduct of maritime operations for the benefit of the French naval force staff (FRMARFOR). This course combined e-learning teaching, practical planning work and a maritime operation conduct...
par IFESO | Sep 24, 2022 | Exercices, Prestations
IFESO et Masa Group ont réalisé un stage de planification et conduite d’opérations maritimes au profit de l’état major français de force navale (FRMARFOR). Ce stage combinait un enseignement en elearning, des travaux pratiques de planification et...
par IFESO | Mar 15, 2022 | Courses, Exercices, Sahel
From March 8 to 11, executives from the G5 Sahel Defense College, reinforced by a team from IFESO, assisted the Joint Force command post in drafting an operation order. Updates, coordination meetings, committee work punctuated this week. PCIAT officers conducted an...
par IFESO | Mar 15, 2022 | Exercices, Sahel, Stages
Du 8 au 11 mars, des cadres du Collège de défense du G5 Sahel, renforcés d’une équipe de IFESO, ont assisté le poste de commandement de la Force conjointe pour la rédaction d’un ordre d’opération.Points de situation, réunions de coordination, travaux...
par IFESO | Fév 18, 2022 | Officiers, Prestations
Design Thinking: Complementing hands-on instruction in operations planning, IFESO supports a team of EdG officers in an experiment in group reflection and Design production. It is a matter of seeking the maximum spectrum of possibilities that can be offered to the...